Tighter controls for flights to the USA
26/10/2017 07:00

Travelers who want to fly to the USA will face new regulations from today. Several airlines - including Lufthansa - are stepping up controls. They are implementing instructions from the US authorities.

At the request of the American authorities, the airlines Lufthansa, Air France, Cathay Pacific, EgyptAir and Emirates will begin new security interviews of all passengers on flights to the USA today. This was announced by the companies.

The German airline Lufthansa announced that the new regulations were stipulated by the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA), which reports to the Department of Homeland Security. In addition to the screening of electronic devices, travelers to the USA may now also have to expect brief interviews at check-in, document control or at the gate. The airline Swiss, a subsidiary of Lufthansa, has asked its passengers to check in at least 90 minutes before departure.

Air France plans to begin interviews tomorrow at Orly Airport in Paris. On November 2, they will also take place at Charles de Gaulle Airport, the company announced. All passengers will be given a questionnaire.

Sources: US Consulate, tagesschau.de, Deutsche Lufthansa

NIGERIA - Processing time from 1.11.2017 now 2-3 weeks
23/10/2017 00:00

The Nigerian Embassy informs:

The processing time at the Embassy Nigeria will be extended to 2-3 weeks from November 1, 2017.

Please take this into account when applying for your visa.


RUSSIA - No more express and flash visas for business visas with company invitation
11/09/2017 00:00


The Russian Embassy in Berlin informs:


As of September 11, 2017, express and flash visas can no longer be issued for business people with company invitations. The processing time is 5-7 consular working days.

Express processing and flash visas are still possible for business people with a telex number or official invitation and for tourists.



PAKISTAN - No multiple-entry visa possible
01/09/2017 00:00

The Pakistani embassy informs:

At the moment, multiple-entry visas cannot be issued at the Embassy of Berlin. Applicants will only receive a single entry visa for 3 months.

We will inform you if this provision changes.



UGANDA - Visa from August 15 - Online application
17/07/2017 00:00



The Embassy of Uganda informs:

Until further notice, visas will only be issued to applicants arriving in Uganda by August 14, 2017.

From August 15, we will switch to online applications. The DVKG can take care of the application for you as usual.